Lauren Porochonski, LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist

Lauren is a multifaceted massage therapist who draws from many modalities to create the most effective and therapeutic sessions for her clients. She has been an LMT for 10 years, and is always eager to learn more. She uses highly specialized and focused techniques to increase range of motion and reduce chronic pain for athletes and desk jockeys alike. Her favorite modalities include: Neuromuscular (Trigger Point) Therapy, Sports Massage, Cupping , Prenatal and Medical Massage. Her favorite thing about her practice is seeing notable differences in a client's posture, the way they move, and the loving relationship they build with self overtime through regular massage therapy. Lauren strives to hold safe and sacred space for all clients, and may also incorporate relaxation techniques in addition to her therapeutic style. These can include grounding breathwork or Reiki, to further soothe the nervous system. She is currently studying the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage, and is excited to offer it soon.

Lauren also has her bachelor's of Science In Public Health from Kent State, and her love of health education and anatomy shines through her sessions. She also completed an internship for Herbal Medicine at Herb Pharm in 2013, and is passionate about the use of botanicals for health.  Lauren genuinely believes everyone deserves to have access to holistic health. Recently, she started working on a side project called " Wanda the Wellness Bus," to accomplish her accessibility aim through community care. 

Click Here to schedule with Lauren.