Dynamic Cupping Therapeutic Massage

Dynamic Cupping Therapeutic Massage combines the use of massage and cupping therapy. Cupping therapy involves placing cups on the skin to create suction, which helps mobilize blood flow, release muscle tension, and promote healing. The cups are typically moved along the body using gliding or sliding motions, or they may be left in place for a short period. This technique can be used on various body parts, such as the back, shoulders, legs or arms.

Dynamic Cupping Therapeutic Massage can help release fascial restrictions, reduce muscle tension, and stimulate the lymphatic system. Benefits include increased circulation, muscle relaxation, improved range of motion, pain relief, relaxation and stress reduction.

Cost:  60 Minute Session: $128    75 Minute Session: $144 90 Minute Session: $162 120 Minute Session $200 (+tax 8% cash or credit)

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